We provide care to all type of patients
We provide care to all type of patients
Our mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care
We bulk billed to health care card holders and Under 16 Year old Australians only
Work cover Initial consult is $231.00 from 14/08/2023
or Please provide Insurance company name
Claim No Phone no. Fax No. and email
If not please in FULL
Telehealth fee for level A $50.00 and Level B $70.00
Consultation Fees
For Normal Hours for all other patients from 14 Aug 2023
Mon-Fri 8am to 5 pm and
Saturday 8 am to 1pm
Consultation Fee
Level A Level B Level C Level D
Fee $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 115.00 $ 140.00
Rebate $ 18.95 $ 41.40 $ 80.10 $ 118.00
Out of Pocket $ 31.05 $ 33.60 $ 34.90 $ 32.00
edical Examinations
Driving License DRL
$ 130.00
$ -
$ 130.00
Employers Long Inc GST or Workcover
$ 230.00
$ 230.00
Employer Short Inc GST Workcover EPML
$ 130.00
$ -
$ 130.00
Consultation Fees
Bulk bill all Health Care Holders and under 16 Australians
For After Hours for all other patients
Saturday 1pm to 4pm
Consultation FEE
Level A 5000 Level B 5020 Level C 5040 Level D 5060
Fee $ 60.00 $ 85.00 $ 125.00 $ 160.00
Rebate $ 31.90 $ 53.90 $ 92.45 $ 129.65
Out of Pocket $ 28.10 $ 31.10 $ 32.55 $ 30.35
Medical Examinations
Driving Licence DRL
$ 130.00
$ -
$ 130.00
Employers Long Inc GST or Workcover
$ 230.00
$ 230.00
Employer Short Inc GST Workcover EPML
$ 130.00
$ -
$ 130.00
Consultation Fees for RK he charge all patients even they have HCC or Under 16Y
Dr. RK Specialist for Skin Care
For Normal Hours for all other patients from 14/08/23
Mon-Fri 8am to 5 pm and
Consultation Fee
Level A Level B Level C Level D
Fee $ 110.00 $ 110.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00
Rebate $ 18.95 $ 41.40 $ 80.10 $ 118.00
Out of Pocket $ 91..05 $ 68.60 $ 69.90 $ 82.00
Thank You
Practice Manager
Dated 15/07/2023
Greta Medical Centre Information
Welcome to Greta Medical Centre
We are committed to providing a full range of General Practice activities in our practice/centre. We have a staff of (7) doctors, (One) nurses and (four) receptionists.
The voluntary Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) accreditation ensures that the service you receive at this Centre meets high safety and quality standards for your protection. AGPAL reviews the practice every three years.
The doctors are all vocationally registered and committed to continuing medical education.
Our practice team
Our friendly reception staff include: (Kristine Milliken, Lauren Porteus, Meenu Bala Accountant and our Practice Manager/s (Tejinder Pal). Our staff will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Claire Chaffey is our well experienced Practice Nurses. She is engaged in performing health assessments, past history documentation, flu clinics, immunisation clinics, annual diabetes checks, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care, asthma clinics, 75-Year-old check Ups four-year-old healthy kids check and chronic disease management.
Please phone ((02) 4938 7303) for an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP. Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay. Longer consultation times are available, so please ask our receptionists if you require some extra time. If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know when you make an appointment.
Our clinic is open six days a week and closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Home Visits
In hours home visits are reserved for patients too ill to attend the surgery within 5KMs
After Hours
For advice and healthcare after hours, phone 1300 130 147. GP Access After Hours provides telephone advice to help you to decide what to do, and if you need to see a GP after hours, you will be directed to the nearest clinic which is situated at Maitland. A separate brochure entitled “GP Access After Hours” provides more detailed information about this service.
Telephone access
Emergency calls will always be connected to a doctor. All non-urgent calls will be answered by the doctor/nurse between consultations or returned at the end of the doctors/nurses session.
· Normal GP consultations,
· House calls in the area within 5 Km to the surgery,
· Shared Care for our obstetric patients at Maitland hospital,
· Up to date information and vaccinations for overseas travellers,
· A full range of free routine childhood immunisations, bulk billed and given by the nurses. Immunisation clinic days are available,
· Workers Compensation consultations,
· Palliative care at home,
· A recall system for pap smears. Pap smears are suggested second yearly for all women who have ever been sexually active, and may on occasions need to be performed more frequently if indicated by a woman’s past results,
· Wide experiences in the detection and management of childhood and adult asthma,
· Referral to appropriate specialists,
· Lacerations are sutured,
· Fractures are referred to Fracture Clinic at Maitland Hospital
Skin Cancer Clinic
Various minor treatments are available and include cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen), cautery and surgical removal.
Doctors in this practice/clinic are affiliated with the (RACGP/AGPAL) Specific appointments for skin
checks are necessary. Treatments for skin cancer are bulk billed with operation fee $50.00
Fees and billing arrangements
Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, EFT, credit card or cheque. You can claim your Medicare rebate at any Medicare office or at this practice/clinic. The receptionist will help you with the details that will enable you to do this.
If you are having difficulties paying your fees, please talk to your doctor or to the reception staff. Consultation fees are available at the reception desk and are displayed near the entrance.
Pensioners, other health care card holders and all children 16 years and younger are bulk billed for surgery consultations. Fees for home visits may apply.
Repeat prescriptions
We do not believe that it is in the best interests of your health to issue repeat prescriptions and referrals without seeing you. Please ensure that all your prescriptions and referrals are up to date when consulting your doctor. There is a charge for repeat prescriptions that are requested without a doctor’s consultation.
Results of tests and procedures
You are requested to ring the surgery to obtain results of any tests that have been organised for you. If results are abnormal, your doctor will require you to make an appointment to enable theses to be discussed with you.
Reminder system
Our practice/centre is committed to preventive care. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system.
We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let your doctor or reception staff know.
Privacy policy
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
A separate information brochure is available detailing the strict confidentiality requirements practiced by all our staff.
Accessing your medical records
You have the right to access health information about yourself that we hold in our medical records. Please speak to your doctor or to the reception staff if you would like to avail yourself of this information.
A separate brochure about your rights on how to access that information is on display (on the notice board) including costs involved.
Transfer of notes
If you are moving to another area and request of copy of the contents of your medical file, a charge of (insert charge) inclusive of/plus GST will be made.
We have a full range of equipment in our surgery including ECG, Audiogram by hearing test vital graphs, defibrillator, emergency resuscitation equipment, cryotherapy, cautery surgical instruments for suturing lacerations and removal of skin cancers, plastering for treatment of simple fractures.
Our surgical equipment is sterilised by (insert company/hospital) according to the latest guidelines and we use disposable equipment wherever possible.
No smoking policy
This practice has a no smoking policy.
A partitioned area for children to play is provided.
Car parking
Car parking is situated in the front of the practice/clinic. Disabled parking is also available.
In our building/area
Other medical services available in our building B /area include:
· Specialist General Surgeon Dr R. Mehrotra
· Physiotherapy allied health service
Sue Park (02) 49325555
· Dietician
· Greta Dentals
· Podiatrist Margaret Penman
· Psychologist allied health service
Monika Castleman 0412115275 do online
· Blood collection /allied health service
Patient feedback
Our aim is to continually improve our services. From time to time we will invite patients to complete a questionnaire on how this can be done. These surveys will be confidential and voluntary. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, please discuss it with your doctor or the Practice Manager or put your comments in the suggestion box.
We believe that problems are best dealt with in the practice. We would like to know if you are concerned about any aspect of our service. However, if you feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside our practice, you may refer to contact the NSW Government Centre for handling complaints at:
Health Care Complaints Commission
Address: Locked Mail Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone: 1800 043 159 (Toll free in NSW)
Fax: (02) 9281 4585
Website: www.hcc.nsw.gov.au
GretaMedicalCentre AGPAL Accredited
Greta Medical Centre
ABN 19 251 342 214
8:00am – 5:00pm (Mon – Fri)
08:00am – 1.00pm (Sat)
Address: 29 High Street
Greta NSW 2334
Phone: (02) 49387303
After Hours: 1300 130 147
In Case of Emergency: 000
General Practitioners
Dr. Jiwan Jyoti Dr Ali Jawad Dr Retaish Karwal
20 years working in 6 years working in Doing skin care
Australia Australia
Dr Joanne Ha Dr. Navneeet Sandhu Dr Ismat EMU Dr Swetha Thakkar
Practice team
Tejinder Pal
(Practice Manager)
Madelin Parker Belinda Keegan Monique Stokes Karen Mackay (Receptionists)
Subhashri Amarnath